Ski-a-Thon - March 16 & 17, 2024
(The Middlebury Ski Club keeps program registration costs down through critical fundraising efforts. A new fundraising initiative this year is our first ever Ski-a-Thon. We are excited for what should be a fun weekend of skiing for our athletes that doubles as a fund-raising event for the club. Athletes’ families, friends, and others are welcome to join in the skiing as well!
When: Saturday, March 16 & Sunday, March 17
Where: Middlebury Snowbowl
How: The MSC will have a tent at the base where participants can stop, grab a snack, and track their progress throughout the two days. Laps on the Worth lift count as two (2) laps and Sheehan as one (1). There will be a link/QR code provided to all participants so all can easily submit their laps at the end of the ski-a-thon.
- MSC Athletes – The MSC will host ski club on Saturday with assigned groups for those that want to participate this way. The younger athletes will ski with their coaches and the older athletes will have the choice of skiing independently or skiing with their coaches. All athletes will be reminded of the Skier’s Responsibility Code.
Generating Donations: We are using a web based fundraising system that makes it easy for you to request pledges from your family and friends, and for them to make secure credit card donations online. After creating your account (use QR code or directions below), you can customize a message to them that can be emailed, texted, posted to Facebook, X, and direct messaged through Instagram. Your donors can choose to give you a flat donation or pledge a per ski lap donation. You get notified each time a pledge is made, and you can track your pledge progress online. It's fun and easy! Our goal is for athletes to raise as close to $250 as possible; however, all donations help us to work toward our goal of raising $12,000. We have prizes to be awarded for various categories, including a Snowbowl ski pass!
More Skiers! More Donors! More Donations!
· The MSC has an anonymous donor who has generously offered to donate $1,000 for the first 20 people who register to participate and another $1,000 for the next 20 participants.
· Participants are encouraged to send a donor request to at least 10 friends and family members (50-60% of donor requests turn into donations).
Using your computer's browser:
Go to
Click “Not Registered for This Year’s Event”
Enter your name and email address, then click “Submit”
Follow the instructions on-screen to register Skier(s) and add family and friends.*
Using your Apple phone or tablet or Android:
Go to the Apple App Store on IOS or the Amazon App Store on Android and search for "PledgeStar" to download the Family App, or go to
On the home screen enter your event code: “middlebury” to locate your event
Click “Not Registered For This Year’s Event”
Enter your name and email address, then click “Submit”
Follow the instructions on-screen to register Skier(s) and add family and friends.*
*If all family members are registered under the same email address, all donations will be split across all family members. If each family member is registered under a different email address, their donations will be allocated solely to them.
Safe Skiing: All participants are required to follow the Skier’s Responsibility Code when participating in this event.
All participants assume full responsibility for any risk of personal injuries or other damages, which could arise, whether directly or indirectly, no matter how indirectly, from the individual’s participation in any activities with the Middlebury Ski Club Ski-a-Thon.
Please register now to help us raise as much as we can for Middlebury Ski Club. Call 1-888-598-7510 if you need help setting up your account.